revival and exploration

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The Genius Blacksmith Girl and the Martial Fanatic Tribe Chief! "Revival and Exploration" 1.1 Version Introduces New Visitors


"Revival and Exploration" introduces its new content "Path of Aliance" which will meet the city lords on July 27th! In the scorching desert filled with yellow sand and blazing sun, the city lords and their entourage will experience a brand new adventure within the tribe of the Sand Clan. There, they will encounter two legendary youths, a boy and a girl, who are the new visitors named "Shashi" and "Shasha."

[The Genius Blacksmith Girl: Shasha]

Though Shasha is merely an apprentice in forging ores, her story of transforming a piece of black iron ore into a dazzling gem through 100 strikes is well-known throughout the tribe. Shasha's visitor attribute is "Master Forger": There is a 40% chance of improving the quality when selling hammer-related items.

"Although many masters in the tribe considered Shasha a rare prodigy of the century, in my opinion, she's just an ordinary girl~" reminisced Shali. "I still remember the day when Shasha became famous. Everyone was gathering around her forged ore, discussing it as if it were a treasure. Can you guess what she was doing?"

You shook your head, and Shali smiled as she told you, "She had run across the street with me to buy pastries!"

Let's go back to the day when Shasha forged the magnificent gem-like ore —

 "Ding! Ding! Clang!" Shasha was diligently hammering the ore in front of her. The originally dark native iron ore gradually became distinct and radiant under her hammer.

"It seems to be almost done." The masters on the side thought so, and some considerate apprentices had already prepared buckets to clean the forging table and cool the ore. However, to their surprise, Shasha's hammer showed no sign of stopping. The more strikes on the ore, the purer it became, and its quality improved. A typical master could strike around 50 times, a skilled one up to 70 times, and some renowned masters usually reached 90 strikes. But just now, Shasha struck for the 96th time!


"Ding!" The 100th strike! Success! The originally black native iron ore in Shasha's hands had transformed into a piece of brilliantly colored creation!

"Work's done." Shasha wiped the fine sweat from her face and the onlookers immediately approached to observe the flawlessly perfect iron ore. Shasha silently retreated to the side to clean the dirt off her hands. At this moment, a woman quietly stood behind her and mischievously poked Shasha's waist.

"It's ticklish... Haha... Shali, stop it." Shasha couldn't help but giggle. The woman named Shali ceased her prank. "Hehe, I've been waiting for you for so long. The new pastry shop across the street, Tao Yue Zhai, already has a long queue. Want to go there?"

"Sorry, sorry. Let me treat you this time." Shasha immediately grabbed Shali's hand and ran outside.


"About the other things related to Shasha, let her tell you herself another day," Shali said with a smile as she walked away.

When the Sand Clan's reputation level reaches 2, Shasha's visitor feature will be unlocked.

[The Martial Fanatic Tribe Chief: Shashi]

As the tribe chief of the Sand Clan, Shashi has always been devoted to his people, considering it his duty to protect the tribe and its members. His agile figure is often seen in the training grounds and at the border mines. With his fists and swords, Shashi hopes to safeguard his people. His visitor trait is "Martial Fanatic": When recommending weapons to Shashi, action point consumption is reduced by 30%.

Why is Shashi, the son of the tribe chief, so passionate about martial arts? This young tribe chief has his reasons. After sparring, bathed in the moonlight, and savoring delicious mutton soup, Shashi narrated a childhood story to you:

At the training grounds of the Sand Clan, Shashi was skillfully wielding his sword move by move. As his state gradually improved, he prepared to unleash his ultimate move! "City-Breaking Decision!" Shashi leaped high into the air and thrust his sword at the iron stake in front of him. "Boom!" The iron stake was completely destroyed. Satisfied, Shashi lay back and rested in place.


Gazing at the moon in the sky, Shashi sighed, "I really want to have another sip of the mutton soup my mother made." Instantly, his thoughts returned to his childhood. Whenever he returned home, the scent of his mother's cooked mutton soup and her warm greeting, "Shi'er, you're back?" filled the air.

"Are you thinking of your mother?" Just as Shashi was immersed in memories, a deep male voice rang out.

"Father!" Shashi stood up immediately, surprised. "Why are you here?"

"During the past few days, you haven't been at home during the day. I thought you might be at the training grounds again," the man said in a warm voice. "I heard that you recently solved some issues at the border mines?"


"It's getting late. Let's go home." The man turned and walked outside. "Yes, Father!" Shashi followed closely, leaving the training grounds. While his mother's mutton soup was indeed delicious, wouldn't it be even better if more people could taste the mutton soup made by their own parents? This was Shashi's duty as the tribe chief's son.

"The night is getting late. Let's part ways here today." As Shashi lay back, he leaped to his feet like a carp. "Tomorrow, I have to wake up early for training. I can't slack off for the sake of my people and tribe! You too, city lord. Next time I visit, let's spar again!"

When the Sand Clan's reputation level reaches 5, Shashi's visitor feature will be unlocked.

On July 27th, "Revivaland Exploration" will introduce new content, "Path of Aliance" with new visitor characters, Shasha and Shashi, joining the game. In the wild desert, what kind of story will unfold between Shasha, Shashi, and the Sand Clan? We invite all city lords to experience it personally!

[About "Revival and Exploration"]

This is an Eastern classical ink-style simulation mobile game that combines building and trading, cultivation and adventure. Players will immerse themselves in the world of Yudian, rebuild the city, and defend against the demons.



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