revival and exploration

revival and exploration
revival and exploration

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Revival and Exploration: The Worldview Background Revealed!


Have you ever wondered: what kind of emotions would you feel when you arrive at a city which was thriving but now is dilapidated?


The Yudian Continent was once a peaceful and prosperous place where human tribes lived scattered across the land. The strong built cities to shelter their people. Trade flourished between tribes and cities which leads to rapid development and prosperity.


Among the cities on the continent was a place called "Paradise", a beautiful and fertile city that everyone aspired to. It had a thriving economy, with shops open day and night and many capable people resting and recuperating there. Such a lovely place.


The prosper city and beautiful natural scenery should have been the eternal melody of this place. However, the demon tribe had long been coveting this land and had secretly amassed their strength. They opened a passage between the demon world and the Yudian Continent a thousand years ago and launched an attack. The human tribes united and fought back against the demonic enemies.


The war lasted for many years and was really intense. Although the demon tribe was eventually repelled, and the passage was destroyed, the land of Yudian was left with deep scars from the destruction caused by the war. Once magnificent mountains turned into dangerous volcanic rifts, and peaceful lakes became icy glaciers. "Paradise" lost its luster and was gradually forgotten by people.


Time flew by, and the demon tribe began to gather their strength once again. However, this time, they did not launch a full-scale attack but used their power to corrupt beasts and monsters, turning them into demons and creating chaos on the continent which gradually eroding Yudian continent!



Fortunately, there were still many outstanding people in Yudian continent who wanted to save the continent. Now, everything is ready, and all that need is a leader to summon them. With the summons, they will return to the past "Paradise" and rebuild its glory. Establish a reliable base and launch exciting expeditions into the unknown wilderness. reclaim lost land, expel evil demons, and bring peace back to Yudian continent!


You, the long-awaited leader, come and create your own legend of City Lord in Yudian Continent!



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I got it!