revival and exploration

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Tips for Version 1.1 of “Revival and Exploration”


The Version 1.1 of 'Revival and Exploration,' 'Path of Alliance', has officially been released. The Sand Clan open up trade, and the city of Yudian is bustling with the “Two Lions of Jueming”! Exciting new skins, new banner, and new gameplay are awaiting your exploration.



Now, let Grandpa Land introduce you to the new changes in Yudian!


"Guardian of Sword" - New Skin of the Palace and Sword Flight


After encountering Sha Shi and participating in the Fire Feather Festival of the Sand Clan in the desert, Yudian has undergone significant changes!


As you return to the Palace and witness the majestic five floating swords surrounding it, you are filled with deep emotions. Grandpa Land appears beside you and says, "I'm sure the city lord has returned with abundant harvests. Look at this new Palace, built with the united efforts of the residents, now enhanced with advanced technology!"


Just as he finishes speaking, spiritual energy flows out from the manor, accompanied by a flying sword.


"City Lord, why don’t you try to stand on the flying sword," Grandpa Land suggests, stroking his beard.


You hop onto the flying sword, and with a thought, it takes you swiftly in the direction you desire. Excitedly, you share with Grandpa Land, "Moving on this flying sword, my speed has noticeably increased!"



"Enjoyable Management" - Special Trading Events at the Inn


As you walk and chat with Grandpa Land, you find yourselves at the inn without realizing it.


You notice a progress bar above the innkeeper's head, which fills up after a while. Then, six raccoons approach from a distance. Seeing your confusion, Grandpa Land explains, "City lord, you see, these six raccoons are summoned by the innkeeper using ‘Deal Events’. The buying and selling transactions of guests can increase the inn's popularity, displayed above the innkeeper's head. When the progress bar is full, you can ask the innkeeper for special trading events."


"Oh, I see!" You suddenly understand. "This progress bar must be a kind of technological method, and this 'summoning' is probably an NPC owned by the innkeeper, right?"


"Exactly!" One of the raccoons happily replies, "Everything is for the sake of entertainment. While selling goods at low prices, we hope to bring a touch of fun to the guests."



"Event Wish" - Visit the New Wish Pool to Meet New Talents


"Dong Dong Qiang, Dong Dong Qiang, Dong Dong Long Dong Qiang!"


After leaving the inn, you are attracted by the sound of lion dances.


You arrive at the Wish Pool and notice a new Pool that wasn't there before. You ask Grandpa Land, " I've never seen this wish Pool before. What is its purpose?"


"The city lord can select a favored character [Bai Ying/Ban Xia] in the Heartfelt Bonds, which will increase the probability of 'summoning' that character. During the Event Wish period, you can freely switch favored characters between them."


Grandpa Land carefully explains the newly appeared Wish Pool.


"Every 100 wishes, a legendary character is guaranteed to appear. At this time, there's a 50% chance for the favored character."


"The wish progress resets to zero after obtaining a favored character, and it will also reset at the end of this Event Wish period."



"Two Lions of Jueming" - Meet New Talents, Bai Ying and Ban Xia


After learning about the wish rules of the Event Wish Pool from Grandpa Land, you began a new round of wish "summons."


The first to be summoned was Bai Ying. You greeted her, saying, "Hello, I am the new lord of Cliff Plain, and this is Grandpa Land, the guardian of Yudian."


"Hello, I am Bai Ying, the leader of the Decisive Lion Team. I've heard that Yudian has regained its former glory, and I'm here to demonstrate lion dance skills to everyone!" Bai Ying said with delight.


"That's wonderful; we warmly welcome you!" you responded happily.


Bai Ying seemed to recall something and suggested, "City lord, why not continue 'summoning' and see if you can 'summon' Ban Xia, who is the tailor in the same team as me? I am skilled in melee combat, while Ban Xia excels in ranged attacks, making her ideal backline support during battles against the demonic forces."


Encouraged by Baiying and Grandpa Land, you used the same method to summon Ban Xia. You introduced them to the situation within the city and arranged a grand celebration in a few days to welcome them.



"Path of Alliance" - Sand Clan opens up Trade


After leaving the Wish Pool, the Sand Clan's traders arrived in our capital. We need to find a favorable location within the city and build a new structure called the "Stable" to accommodate the Sand Clan's traders.


In the future, the Sand Clan's daily commissions can be obtained at the Stable. If you are away from the city, you can also receive them at the Sand Clan's mines.


In addition to daily commissions, the Stable offers various reputation privileges for you to choose from. By increasing your reputation level, you can access more privileges. The number before each privilege represents the privilege points required to unlock it. Furthermore, the Sand Clan's reputation rewards are displayed at the mines. When you complete daily commissions, you will gain reputation experience, leading to reputation level upgrades. Upon reaching reputation level 3/5, you can invite Sha Sha/Sha Shi to visit our capital for trade and exchange.


At this moment, the raccoon merchant also approached you and said, "The raccoon shop now has a new Tribe tab!"


"Based on the city lord's reputation level with the Sand Clan, the little raccoon will open various resources, materials, and special items of corresponding levels."



If you want to learn more, click the address below to find out more news.

Breaking News Today! "Revival and Exploration" New Version "Path of Aliance" Officially Launched:Revival and Exploration News Duoyi Network

[About "Revival and Exploration"]


It is an Oriental-Style simulation game featuring Trade, Architecture, Role-raising and Exploration. Players will travel the world of Yudian, leading residents as a city lord to rebuild the city and resist the invasion of the demon tribe.


If you want to learn more about us, you can search "Revival and Exploration" on Google to find the official website. Also, feel free to follow our official accounts on Twitter, Facebook, Discord, and YouTube with the same name.



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